
Hair & Scalp Problems

There are many different types of hair out there, and we all want what’s best for ours. After all, the hair is usually one among the most prominent aspects of a person’s physical look, likely second solely to one’s face. If our hair didn’t matter to us in a collective sense, there wouldn’t be a multi-billion dollar hair care industry peddling their products on the market. The problem is that many of these products contain harmful chemicals that can have an extremely detrimental impact on both the hair and critical internal systems like the endocrine and nervous systems. Unfortunately, most hair products only manage to repair the hair superficially and sometimes only temporarily often damaging the hair in the process.

The Ayurvedic approach is different. Ayurvedic hair care employs each product and treatment methods that are 100% natural. Furthermore, the Ayurvedic tradition is intrinsically holistic. So whether you choose a topical treatment for the hair itself, a more systemic approach, or a combination of the two, Ayurveda aims to address the root cause of the problem which often originates well beneath the surface.

Before we talk about remedies, we need to understand the basic Ayurvedic system. According to Ayurveda, everything in the universe is made up of the five elements – air, fire, water, earth and ether – and the three doshas, namely vata, pitta, and kapha. Ayurvedic experts say that we can achieve sparkling health by balancing these within our body. Doshas apparently govern everything about us, from hair colour to body type to the kind of illnesses we can get afflicted with. Generally, we have one or two dominant doshas.

To put it simply, vata relates to air, pitta to fire and kapha to water. Vata’s role is believed to be confined to our nervous system, pitta is responsible for digestion and metabolism while kapha lubrication of joints, strengthening of immunity and protection of body tissues. Aggravation of any of these doshas, for whatever reason, can lead to various kinds of diseases. Hair fall, experts say, is attributed to the exacerbation of the pitta dosha.

There can be various reasons for hair fall. These include weight loss, abysmal iron levels, irregular diet, stress and thyroid and hormonal imbalances, according to experts. A well-functioning body system is needed to control hair fall. In other words, the very root cause of hair loss needs to be tackled first – we need to cleanse our system from within to balance the doshas. And this is where Ayurvedic rituals can be of great help.

Excessive shedding of dead skin from the scalp is known as Dandruff. Skin cells die and flake off, so a small amount of flaking is normal. Usually, the scalp skin dies and flakes off during a month, while in those suffering from Dandruff, this happens every 2-7 days. Apart from being a physical condition, dandruff is also associated with social and self-esteem problems in many individuals. With proper care and Dandruff treatment, you can get relief from the problem. Ayurveda places the matter of dandruff within the category of Shudra Roga, which appears due to an imbalance of all three doshas (Ayurvedic humor). The primary doshas involved are Pitta and Vata. Pitta is an Ayurvedic humor which symbolizes heat or fire and Vata is dry and rough in nature. In an aggravated state, both doshas cause production of specific impurities, called ama, which are dry and heating in nature. These impurities accumulate in the deep tissues of scalp and contaminate them. Contamination of the deep tissues and aggravated Vata-Pitta Dosha cause itching and patches on scalp. Due to these factors, the scalp sheds larger than traditional amounts of dead epidermal cells, those results in the matter of dandruff.

Ayurveda focus on correcting the constitution for treating hair fall. Ayurveda considers the imbalance of Pitta as the chief cause of premature hair fall and graying. Dandruff is a Vata Kapha imbalanced disorder.

Siro Abhyanga : Oil therapy on the scalp.

Siro Dhara : Downy stream of medicated oil or buttermilk on the scalp.

Siro Vasthy : Oil retention in a Chef’s cap fitted on head.

Nasyam : Nasal drops.

Thalapothichil : Application of a herbal paste on the scalp.

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