Anemia Ayurvedic Treatment

Anemia Ayurvedic Treatment
More than 30% of the population is affected by anemia worldwide. Anemia is a condition in which the color of the Skin becomes pale i.e.- yellowish in color or whitish. It is also characterized by a whitish tint on skin, eyes, and nails. It is termed as deficiency of blood in the body in which a person becomes pale. When the Pitta Dosha gets aggravated and the tissue undergoes inflammation they, therefore, become weak. Pallor is the condition in which paleness of the skin and mucous membrane comes with a result of diminished circulatory blood cells or diminished blood supply. In Ayurveda, it is termed Pandu Roga. In Sanskrit, Pandutya means whitish color. Anemia occurs when there are not enough healthy blood cells in the body to carry oxygen to all the body organs. When an individual develops anemia, they are called anemic. Anemia is not a big problem but if not treated on time it can prove dangerous for life.
Our body without blood cannot survive for long. It’s the biggest nutrition in our body. We work with all constituents required in our system. For life-long results choose Ayurveda for Anemia treatment. Durja Ayurveda provides anemia treatment and the results are highly effective.
Causes of Anemia
If the diet is not nutritional and healthy, one is definitely on the verge of being anemic.
Due to excessive drinking of alcohol, a person can become anemic.
The most common cause of anemia is the lower level of Iron in the body. A body requires a certain amount of Iron for the production of hemoglobin.
A person also becomes anemic due to blood loss in the body due to some injury, gastritis, heavy menstrual bleeding, and hemorrhoids.
Destruction of red blood cell can be caused due to excessive intake of antibiotics and drugs. Hypertension also leads to the destruction of RBCs.

Symptoms of Anemia (Pandu Roga)
Fatigue and Weakness
A person always feels restless, tired, and weak.
A person will appear pale and dull due to a deficiency of blood in the body.
Coldish Body
A person often complains of a cold body always. The body remains cold in all variations.
Unusual Cravings
A person suffering from Anemia will always crave for eating Clay, Chalk, sand, and Ice.
Shortness of Breath
A person gets tired easily performing an activity and suffers from shortness of Breath.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Anemia
- Cook the food of anemic patients in iron pots. This will help in retaining and balancing the hemoglobin level in the body.
- There are no artificial supplements given to raise the hemoglobin level. Each procedure is done according to Doshas and with proper management. Anemia treatment in Ayurveda gives life-long results.
- By regulating Nutrition, one can easily recover up from Anemia.
- We treat the root cause of the disease and hence eradicate it from the beginning point.
- We try to manage all the symptoms like dyspnea, paleness with all herbal medicines which are harmless for the kidney and liver.
There are several symptoms like breathlessness and whitish or pallor skin. Also, there is a loss in appetite and fatigue.
Yes, it does affect because the menstrual cycle can only be maintained if a woman has good balanced hemoglobin and ferritin level in the Body. Choose Ayurvedic medicine for anemia and live a healthy life.
Yes, hereditary do cause anemia. Hereditary anemia sometimes is mild and can sometimes be severe too depending on the genetic disorder.
- Tea and Coffee
- Foods that contain Oxalic acid e.g.- Peanuts and Chocolates
- Whole-grain portions of cereal
- Foods rich in Gluten i.e. products made with Wheat, Barley, Rye, or Oats.
A high iron-rich diet that includes green leafy vegetables, nuts, seeds, and breakfast cereals. It is also important to include food in the diet that can improve the Body’s absorption of iron. Also, note to avoid such foods in the diet that interfere with the process.
Hemoglobin level less than 7.0 g/dl is considered to be severe anemia that makes a person left with no energy in the body.
Short sleep can sometimes lead to a downfall in hemoglobin levels whereas disturbed sleep increases the risk of anemia as the brain does not rest itself and proper functioning is hindered.
Iron- deficiency can cause serious health complications for the body to function smoothly. Untreated anemia also handers all the body parts functioning. The heart is at higher risk to function if there is no proper flow of oxygen in the body. For best results consult Durja Ayurveda, the best Ayurvedic clinic for Anemia treatment.
If your hemoglobin is balanced then you should keep the medication on for another 3 months to build iron levels in the bone marrow. Also never stop taking anemia medicines without consulting your doctor.
If there is a sign of constipation or indigestion, this signifies that the body is unable to digest iron and also the body is unable to digest the medicines too.