
Cervical Pain

Cervical pain is characterized by deterioration of the neck joints and a decrease in density of the cervical spine. It may manifest as Cervical Spondylosis presenting itself with or without compressing the nerves. Durja Ayurveda treats cervical pain with the understanding of how it is caused by Vata Dosha aggravation. This is caused by unhelpful habits and a Vata aggravating lifestyle and food. So treatment for this issue focuses on calming the Vata Dosha.

Treatments at Durja Ayurveda involves medication to nourish the bones and the cervical discs. Sleeping properly and eating freshly prepared nutritious food prevents Ama formation in the body and reduces the inflammation and pain in the joints.

Durja Ayurveda addressing the root-cause of the disease begins by detoxifying the body so that medicines can work better towards treating the actual root-cause of the disease. The patient is advised on avoiding the intake of Vata enhancing foods. Medication for the problem is also supplemented with the topical application of Ayurvedic oil for cervical spondylosis. More severe cases of cervical spondylosis require external Ayurvedic medicine application as put forth by Panchakarma treatments methods. Panchakarma, Snehanam and Swedanam are highly recommended for cervical pain according our medical experts.

Durja Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma in Ayurveda which means five types of therapeutic ways of treatment to eliminate toxins from the body and to replenish the tissues of the patient. This therapy dilates the body’s channels facilitating the elimination of toxins. In addition to this, it reduces the body’s stiffness. Panchkarma constitutes the foremost Shodhana Chikitsa. Panchakarma is an Ayurvedic rejuvenation treatment, since it not only eliminates the toxins causing diseases, but also replenishes the tissue with nourishment; and therefore it is termed as a rejuvenating therapy. Durja Ayurveda also suggests Snehanam (Oleation). This therapy involves administration of medicated oils either internally or externally.

At Durja Ayurveda, Elakizhi is commonly done as part of the Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment though it can be used as a stand-alone treatment too. This classic massage with medicated leaves helps in relieving stiffness of muscles and joint pains, especially backache, lubricating joints, improving peripheral blood circulation, cleansing the channels of circulation and expelling toxins from the body.

By proper oleation and heating creating a sweating process, the body starts eliminating impurities through the skin. It is also very effective in reducing pain and oedema of the body caused by arthritis or other physical traumas. This treatment is particularly effective in conditions such as gout and arthritis where the joints are inflamed and painful. Durja Ayurveda uses this combination of heat, herbs and oil in the poultices to reduce pain and restore mobility to the joints. Swedanam is another form of sudation therapy where herbal steam is applied evenly on the entire body to produce perspiration. In this treatment method, the patient is made to sit or lie down in an enclosed herbal steam chamber. The apparatus is designed to allow the patient’s head to stay out of the way of the steam.

Swedanam reduces inflammation and congestion in the joints. This treatment delays the process of ageing, improves luster of skin, strengthens muscles and tissues, provides psycho-physical smoothening by promoting blood circulation. Durja Ayurveda uses this effectively, applying it scientifically in cases of post-traumatic injuries to muscles and joints, restoring flexibility and strength. Swedanam can be effectively utilized in treating muscular stiffness and numbness, and has been found to enhance the body’s blood circulation.
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