
Erectile Dysfunction


Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the inability to keep an erection during sexual intercourse. It is also termed impotence, which refers to an inability to maintain an erection for a longer time to have satisfactory sexual intercourse. In Ayurveda, it is known as Klaibya. It is basically a condition of low vitality. An increase in Vata dosha leads to Erectile Dysfunction (ED). Erectile Dysfunction affects both personal and professional life. It becomes a cause of concern if erectile dysfunction is experienced for a longer duration of time. It becomes the cause for relationship problems in personal life and for professional life one loses self-confidence and is stressed quite often.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Stress- Higher the stress more serious the problem becomes.
  • Diabetes- A higher level of diabetes will sure lead to erectile dysfunction.
  • Low Testosterone- Hormones that are responsible for sexual stability in males.
  • Surgery/Injury- Any Injury or Surgery affects the pelvic region and causes erectile dysfunction.
  • Excessive Intake of Alcohol- Excessive intake of Alcohol affects the sexual life and causes erectile dysfunction (ED).

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

  • Low Sexual Desire- Less Interest in sexual activity and seduction.
  • Difficulty in Keeping an Erection-Decreased blood flow to penis leads to ED.
  • Low Self Esteem- People with low self-esteem feel inadequate unloved
  • Depression- Depression is an Individual stays stressed and depressed as he is unable to achieve his sexual needs.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction

  • vajikarana is one of the major specialties of Ayurveda that helps in making a male sexually strong.
  •  Dietary changes, exercises, meditation, and relaxation help males to reach their peak and overcome erectile dysfunction.
  •  Protection of Shukra Dhatus (tissues) is of utmost importance for the healthy functioning of the system.
  •  To heal erectile dysfunction there are wonderful Ayurvedic medicines. They not only improve the physical well-being of a person but also cure the mental state of a person.
  •  Ayurveda believes in Dhatu poshan once all saptdhatu get fully nourished solves erectile dysfunction.


What causes a weak erection?

Several diseases like diabetes, heart-related issues, tobacco use, restricts the blood flow in veins and arteries of the penis which further leads to erectile dysfunction.

What is my erection not as strong as it used to be earlier?

Body functioning keeps on changing according to our activities and age so it varies with blood flow and nervous control. Due to various diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular and medications this blood circulation is hampered and hence erectile dysfunction occurs.

How can erectile dysfunction be prevented?

Maintain a proper weight according to BMI, eating a healthy balanced diet, quit smoking, maintaining cholesterol level and blood pressure.

What is the fastest way to cure erectile dysfunction?

To treat erectile dysfunction proper blood circulation in the body is a must and maintaining psychological health is also mandatory.

By what age do guys have trouble getting hard?

Around the age of 50-59, there are 40% chances for erectile dysfunction to occur but sometimes its starts after crossing 60. It varies from person to person with the presence of some chronic disease like Diabetes or other risk factors which lead to erectile dysfunction.

How long can the average man keep his erection?

An erection can last anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours. There isn’t really an average time for how long an erection should last. In general, though, the average amount of time a person has an erection during sexual intercourse before they ejaculate is about seven minutes.

Is erectile dysfunction a normal part of aging?

The risk of erectile dysfunction (ED) and other types of sexual dysfunction goes up with age. But not all men experience ED in their older years. And there isn’t an exact age at which ED starts.

Do stress affect Erectile dysfunction?

Yes, Stress causes and even makes erectile dysfunction worst than earlier. To stay happy and positive is a must to treat it.

Does Hormonal Imbalance cause erectile dysfunction?

Yes, Testesterone’s hormones level when falls down causes this problem.

Which foods are important to treat Erectile dysfunction?

Green leafy vegetables, Fruits, and Juices are a must. Avoid taking dairy products in excess and also avoid a non-vegetarian diet.

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