Ayurvedic Treatment for Flatulence

What is Flatulence?
According to Ayurveda, flatulence is termed Aadhmana. In this condition, there is stiffness in the stomach region and the person also suffers from constipation. Primarily, the Ayurvedic dosha that is responsible for flatulence is Vata Dosha. The Pitta Dosha is responsible for the Agni, i.e., the digestive fire. The imbalance of Pitta Dosha decreases the functions of the digestive system and forms gas. Hence, ama (toxins) accumulation aggravates the Vata Dosha. Flatulence is when the person is facing excessive stomach/intestinal gas which further causes a lot of discomforts. The gas is released which contains the components which are hydrogen, methane, hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide.
So some pass gas with odor (Smell) i.e.- smell comes from the bacteria in the intestine that releases a gas that contains sulfur. Sometimes there is no odor (Smell) in passing gas. Gas gets collected in 2 ways-
- As the food gets digested in the body some gases like hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide get collected.
- While eating food or drinking, some gases like Oxygen and Nitrogen get accumulated in the digestive tract.
Not everyone experiences the gas with the same food products. Flatulence treatment in Ayurveda provides everlasting results and recovery.
Causes of Flatulence (Aadhmana)
Farting too much can happen if you eat foods that are hard to digest. It can also be caused by a digestive problem like indigestion or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As per Ayurveda, Flatulence is linked to:
- Eating heavy and fatty foods which are hard to digest. Processed food and carbonated drinks also cause flatulence. Plus, if you chew food at a fast pace then also the digestive system may suffer from gas.
- If there is no proper bowel functioning, it can also lead to Flatulence. The improper bowel movements can be due to gallbladder disease, food allergies, peptic ulcers, or gallstones.
- If a person stays more stressed, it will affect the digestive organs and cause gastric issues. Not only stress but other emotions like grief, and anxiety may also result in flatulence.
- Disturbed sleep regime also leads to Flatulence. If not sleeping properly or dealing with insomnia, then also it can hamper the functions of the digestive system.
- Sedentary and inactive lifestyle disturbs the metabolism of the body which leads to a bloated feeling.
- Hormonal changes in women can cause them to feel bloated. During periods, pregnancy or menopause imbalance in hormones hinders the functioning of the digestive organs.

Aadhmana or Flatulence Experience the following Symptoms:
Heaviness in the stomach
A person experiences a full, tight, and heavy stomach.
Pain in the abdomen
As the gas accumulates, pain is also experienced.
Loss of appetite
Due to heaviness, one often does not feel like eating anything.
When the stomach is filled with excessive gas it is called Bloating.
An Individual burps quite often because of the accumulation of gas and sometimes the belching is quite loud and embarrassing.
Indigestion and passing gas
As the functioning is improper it leads to indigestion and one often releases the gas/farts.
Joint and Muscle pain
Gas sometimes gets collected in joints, thus causing pain.
Flatulence Ayurvedic Treatment
- Ayurvedic medicines for gas and bloating are derived from plant-based products which help in giving immense relief and no side effects.
- Ayurveda focuses on improving diet to treat Flatulence. A healthy diet does wonders for the body. Ayurveda promotes a Satvic diet which helps in healing the body and at the same time, boosts immunity.
- Lifestyle- the way life is lived daily impacts the body too. Ayurveda believes in an active routine that helps in being physically as well as mentally fit. Along with medicines and decoctions exercise greatly helps in stomach gas treatment.
- Flatulence ayurvedic treatment also involves yoga and meditation. The yoga asanas help in relieving the excess gas.
- There are also easily available effective ingredients in your kitchen to treat Flatulence. Follow simple home remedies to get relief from Flatulence.
- Excessive intestinal gas
- Belching or flatulence more than 20 times a day — sometimes indicates a disorder such as: Celiac disease. Colon cancer.
- Chew food properly and slowly. Have a healthy diet that includes fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid carbonated drinks and Soda as they release carbon dioxide gas.
- Go out for a walk/jog. Plan a mild workout routine.
- Stop Smoking.
Excessive flatulence can be caused by swallowing more air than usual or eating food that’s difficult to digest.
A minor component of gas contains sulfur, which leads to smelly farts.
This depends mainly on your daily diet i.e. not only what you eat but also how you eat i.e. how you chew your food. Eat without gulping and slowly. Also, avoid drinking carbonated beverages and food that vitiate Vata Dosha.
It is very common as some people are unable to digest certain carbohydrates. Lactose present in milk causes gastric issues to many and is not easy for everyone to digest, thus, causing gastric issues.
The easy home remedies to relieve gastric issues and flatulence are:
- Take Ginger juice daily or drink warm water with powdered ginger.
- Cumin Seeds( Jeera) and Fennel seeds both are beneficial herbs that are often used to ease bloating.
Having heavy meals at night causes flatulence. The gas is built up in the body due to the meal intake. Avoid having heavy food products at night. Also, do not sleep immediately after having dinner. Maintain a gap of 2-3 hours.
Panchakarma Therapy is used for the detoxification of the body. It begins with:
- Virechana: In it, cleansing of a body is done using powders, pastes, or heated medicinal plants. This purgation is induced through medicinal herbs.
- Vaman: A person is made to do forced vomit or purging through herbal medicinal treatment which eliminates the toxins from the body.
Avoid eating-
- Raw Onions, Beans
- Carbonated drinks
- Broccoli, Cabbage, Asparagus, and Cauliflower
- Processed, Spicy & Junk foods