Classical Treatments

Abhyangam (Medicated Oil Massage)
Abhyangam is the application of medicated oil on the body, followed by massage by a well experienced therapist. This therapy acts on the whole body on both physical and mental levels balancing the doshas. It helps to relieve the stiffness of joints and muscles and tones of muscles. It stimulates circulation, provides relief from anxiety, fatigue& depression. It improves the general well being & induces sound sleep. Abhyangam is found to be very useful in some arthritic issues. It is advised in diseases like Osteoarthritis, Spondylitis, Rheumatoid arthritis, etc. It is also advised in specific sports injuries and muscular spasms.
Podikizhi (Choorna Pinda Swedam)
Choorna Swedam (Podikizhi) is one of the most relaxing and refreshing massages that you can enjoy. Podikizhi is very good for relieving spasms and stiffness of muscles, lubricating the joints, strengthening the spinal muscles, and relieving joint pain. Choorna Swedam (Podikizhi) is one of the parts of Panchakarma in Ayurveda. Herbs are cleaned, dried, and powdered before the treatment. These are then tied into a bolus using a suitable cloth. Medicated oil may or may not be applied over the body as per the individual conditions or as advised by the physician. The herbal powder bolus is heated and applied over the body or affected area in soft punches. It is beneficial in spinal muscles' inflammation and found to effective in specific low backaches, cervical spondylitis, and frozen shoulder.

Elakizhi (Herbal Pouch Therapy)
Elakizhi is a part of panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. Patrapinda swedam (Elakizhi) is an innovative classical massage with medicated leaves. In this, fresh leaves are collected and cut into small pieces. These cut leaves are then fried in medicated oil along with coconut scrapes and lemon. It is then tied in a suitable cloth and made into a bolus. Leaves of Calotropis Gigantean, Ricinus Communis, Vites Nigundo, Muoringa Oilfera, Tamarind, etc. are generally used for the bolus preparation. The inclusion of herbal leaves in the preparation of bouls depends on the condition of the individual. Patrapinda swedam (Elakizhi) benefits are relieving spasm and stiffness of muscles, lubricating joints, strengthening the spinal muscles, and relieving joint pain, especially backache. It enchases peripheral blood circulation, cleanses the circulation channels, and expels toxins through the sweat and refreshing the body.
Shirodhara (Oil Dripping Therapy)
This signature therapy often induces a mental state similar to a trance, which creates profound relaxation of the mind and body. In a rhythmic oscillatory movement, it involves pouring stream of luck warm oil onto the forehead to promote deep inner calm & balance to the emotion. Since ancient times, it is highly recommended to relieve stress depression, improves memory & circulation, and encourages sound sleep.

Thakradhara (Medicated Butter Milk)
Takra Dhara is a part of panchakarma treatment in Ayurveda. Takra refers to buttermilk. Thus Takra Dhara is the procedure whereby medicate buttermilk is poured over the forehead in a continuous stream. A thin strip of cloth (varthi) is tied around the head just above the eyebrows. The buttermilk is heated until it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm buttermilk is poured into the Dhara vessel placed above the forehead of the individual. Medicated buttermilk is then made to flow in a continuous and constant stream over the starting over the glabellar region. The medicated buttermilk flows from the forehead to the scalp and hair. Gentle massage is done over the scalp and hair simultaneously. The therapy helps in relieving from insomnia, stress-related problems, and depression. It improves circulation in the scalp region and aids in hair growth. The benefits of Takra Dhara are useful in some instances of dermatitis affecting the scalp like dandruff, in some instances of alopecia, psoriasis, etc. This treatment relaxes and revitalizes the central nervous system and strengthening the system.
Ksheeradhara (Medicated Milk)
The treatment whereby the lukewarm medicated milk is made to flow at a slow, consistent rate over the forehead for a particular duration, mostly over the glabellar region or the whole body with a simultaneous soft massage. This therapy is highly beneficial for Vata and Pita predominant headaches, stress, insomnia, and anxiety. It nourishes the skin and gives a lustrous appearance. It has proven effective in some instances of arthritis. In certain neurological conditions, especially those accompanied by burning sensation and numbness, Ksheera Dhara is highly beneficial.

Udwarthana (Herbal Powder Massage)
In this treatment, massage is done with the help of herbal powders. Massage is done in the seven positions in the opposite direction to that of the hair follicles. Dry herbs are cleaned, dried, and powdered as per the instructions of the physician. This powder is then heated mildly and used for massage in upward stroking. The deep massage improves the blood circulation, opens the channels, and effectively stimulates the breakdown of the stored subcutaneous fact by improving the basal metabolic rate. It is useful in a certain kind of skin disorder. It softens skin and exfoliates the dead skin cells, thereby providing a glow to the skin. It helps in eliminating lousy body order. In refreshes and rejuvenates the body bringing a sense of lightness to the body. It reduces the cellulite appearance making the treatment effective in cases of obesity. It is advised in certain arthritis conditions as well. The benefits of Udvarthanam remove the cellulite and helps in weight reduction, strengthen the muscles, etc.
Navarakizhi (Herbal Rice Pouch)
Navarakizhi is one of the typical Ayurvedic treatments. The treatment is termed so, as Njavara (Navara) rice is the main ingredient in the preparation. The cleaned Navara rice is boiled in the mixture of milk and decoction. It is then tied in a suitable cloth and made into a bolus. This treatment method helps in strengthening the nerves, relieving arthritis, and curing neurological complaints. It nourishes the tissues, softens the skin, and enhances the complexion. It brings about strength to body muscles and improves the overall appearance of the body. It is advised in certain diseases like hemiplegia, facial paralysis, muscular atrophy, etc. It is a nourishing and rejuvenating treatment which imparts strength and build to the body.

Pizhichil (Oil Bath)
Pizhichil is one of the common forms of Kerala Ayurveda chikitsa. It is the procedure in which streams of lukewarm medicated oil is poured on the whole body or the affected area with a simultaneous soft massage. It is useful for rheumatic complaints, arthritis, neurological disorders, and paralysis. It is proven to be effective in cases of sexual weakness, anxiety, and body aches. The treatment benefits are rejuvenating the body, nourishing the skin, and keeps it young, regulating blood pressure, combating depression, and preventing aging. It helps in promoting proper circulation and hence clearing the channels.
Dhanyamla Dhara
Dhara means pouring liquid medium in a small continuous and constant stream over the body or affected area. Dhanyamla is a specially fermented medicinal preparation. The therapy is very effective in kapha-vata predominant conditions. It helps in compacting obesity, reducing inflammations, and muscular pain and activates nerves. It is a remedy for hemiplegia paralysis, rheumatic complaints also.

Kati Vasti
The term kati refers to low back region. It is procedure where by medicated oil is retained for a certain period of time in the low back area. A completely sealed walled boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the kati (low back) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to becomes lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. It helps in strengthening the muscles especially those in the low back region. It helps in alleviating neuronal complaints, lumbago and sciatica. The treatment is also effective in muscular spasm and inflammations in the low back region.
Greeva Vasti
Greeva vasti is one of the parts of panchakarma in ayurveda treatment. ‘Greeva’ refers to the neck region thus it is the procedure in which the medicated oil is retained in the neck region for a certain period of time. The completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the greeva (nape of neck) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. The therapy improves circulation, muscle and connective tissue strength, lubricates the joints and promotes its flexibility. Greeva alleviates cervical spondylitis, stiff neck, sore muscles, upper back aches etc.

Uro Vasti
‘Uras’ is the term that refers to the chest region. In this procedure medicated oil is retained in the chest region for a particular period of time. The completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the uro (chest) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. This treatment helps in maintaining strong muscles and connective tissues. It helps in preventing muscular chest pain. It is effective in certain inflammatory condition and muscular spasms related to the chest region.
Janu Vasti
Janu vasti is a part of panchakarma in Ayurveda treatment. The term ‘janu’ referse to knee joint. It is the procedure where by the medicated oil is retained in the knee joint for a particular duration. . The completely sealed wall boundary is made with the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder in the janu (knee joint) region. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured in to the space inside the walled boundary in a constant and continuous stream. It is retained there for a particular period of time. The medicated oil is soaked up, heated to become lukewarm and poured back again by adding fresh oil in it. This repeated during the whole procedure. This therapy helps in chronic knee pain and compacts degenerative disorders. It gives strength to the supporting muscles of the knee joined. It is very effective in osteo arthritis of knee joined and in cases of ligament injuries.

Pichu is an ayurvedic treatment popular among ayurveda acharyas. Pichu is used as an effective method to treat the ailments of head, spine and diseases of cranial nerves caused by vata disorder. In this treatment, medicated warm oil is applied on the head externally. It is done to a local area which is affected. Pichu can be directed on a person as a main treatment for head and spine or a simplified treatment can be carried out with similar oil treatments in ayurveda.
Medicated oil or powder mixed with oil or medicated ghee is applied on the head mainly on and around the bregma region and sustained for a particular period of time. This therapy is useful for relieving from anxiety, disorders related to eyes nose and throat. It is found beneficial in insomnia, mental disorders, migraine. It brings about a feeling of wellness. It is even found effective in alleviating hyper tension. It improves memory and concentration. It clears the nasal passage, smoothness the throat and imparts coolness to the body and calms mind. The depression related with modern lifestyle has created many problems and Talam is resigned as an Ayurveda therapy.

Shiro Vasti
Shiro vasti is a part of panchakarma treatment in ayurveda. ‘Shira’ referse to head, thus shiro vasti is the procedure where medicated oil is retained on the head for a particular period of time. A leather sleeve of about 6 to 8 inches height is placed on the patients head and sealed in to position with help of the paste of black gram powder or wheat powder. The medicated oil is heated till it becomes lukewarm. This lukewarm medicated oil is then poured slowly in a constant and continuous stream in to the space inside the leather sleeve placed on the head. It is then allowed to be retained for a particular period of time. The oil is soured up and heated till it becomes lukewarm and is poured back again. This soaking up and warming of the medicated oil is done through out the whole procedure as and when the poured medicated oil becomes cold. This treatment helps in treating paralysis, depression, anxiety and insomnia. The therapy have proven some benefits in treating facial paralysis, excess hair loss, lubricating nostrils and throat. It improves texture of hair and promotes its growth. This treatment is used for diseases related to brain and neurological, migraine, head ache, depression.
Upanaham is a part of swedam in panchakarma treatment in ayurveda. There are some diseases which need external application of medicines. Medicated oil is applied over the affected are. A herbal paste, as per the instruction of the physician, is made and then applied over it. Herbal leaves are placed over the paste and with the help of cotton cloth it is bandaged. After a particular period of time it is removed and washed with lukewarm water. The treatment helps in reliving pain and found effective in osteo arthritis, localized pain and swelling. The main benefits of upanaham treatment are effective in bursitis and certain swellings in joints associated with pain and restricted movements.

Nasyam is one of part of panchakarma in ayurveda treatments. It is a medication done through nose. Nostrils are considers to be the door way to head. This is a treatment for clensing the areas above the shoulder basically nose, throat, sinuses and head. The face, shoulder and chest are massaged softly with medicated oil. Then a medicated oil or herbal powder is instilled in to the nostrils drop by drop or blowed in at a stretch respectively. As a paschat karma, dhoomapanam is done after explusion of kapha. Nasyam removes the obstructed kapha from the channels. The main benefit of Nasyam is improving the circulation. In dialates the bronchioles and thus helps in alleviating certain diseases like dyspnoea, asphma etc. it nourishes the tissues and improves the sense organ perceptions. It improves vision, helpful in diseases like facial paralysis, migraine, sinusitis etc. It helps in preventing hair loss and hair graying and brings about an improvement in the glow of skin.