Ayurvedic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Not just symptomatic, Get Root cause treatment for IBS

What is Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS)?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder caused by a collection of symptoms like cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and constipation. It is also known as gastrointestinal tract, and it is a very dangerous chronic condition. Irritable Colon, Spastic Colon, Spastic Colon, and Mucous Collitis are further terms for IBS. It is unrelated to other bowel diseases and is a distinct disorder from inflammatory bowel disease. Ayurvedic treatment for irritable bowel syndrome, which involves the use of herbal remedies, dietary changes, and lifestyle modifications, has shown promise in alleviating the symptoms of this common gastrointestinal disorder.
According to an overview from the 2018 Study Published, medical experts search for symptoms that have shown at least three days each month for the previous three months in order to identify it.
In certain circumstances, IBS can harm the digestive system. This however, is uncommon. IBS doesn’t enhance your risk of gastrointestinal malignancies, according to a 2022 research by Trusted Source Nonetheless, it may still have a big impact on your life.
What does Ayurveda say about IBS ?
According to the Ayurveda Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is referred to as Grahani, which is described as an Agni Adhiṣṭhāna (Digestive Fire), which aids in charge of converting food into energy and nutrients. Aahaar’s ingestion, digestion, absorption, and assimilation are all controlled by Grahani. If a person has difficulty in digesting food, this suggests that their Agni (Digestive System), or fire element—is weak.
Based on Bowel Patterns, it divided into four Primary types:
- Vataja (Major Constipation Grahani (IBS))
- Pittaja (Predominant Diarrhoea Grahani (IBS))
- Kaphaja (Predominance of Dysentery Grahani (IBS))
- Tridoṣaja (When all of the mentioned symptoms are present together)
What Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
Grahani (IBS) is mostly caused by insufficient Mandagni (digestive fire) and Ama (toxin generation). As per Ayurveda, IBS is linked to:
- Bad diet and nutrition, such as eating a lot of fried food, eating too much, eating foods that are unhealthy for your gut, drinking too much, and eating cold meals.
- Wrong timing of eating or skipping meals while you’re hungry.
- Many underlying disorders include a neural system imbalance, aberrant gastrointestinal motor and sensory activity, etc.
- Accumulation of ama (toxins) in the tissues used for circulation.
- Stress of any kind, both physical and emotional, weakens the body’s defences and internal fortitude.
- A disturbed and irregular natural biological rhythm

IBS Symptoms: Understanding Grahani
Individuals suffering from Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) frequently experience a variety of symptoms, which may impact some people more severely than others. These symptoms of IBS might develop during stressful times or after eating specific foods. After bowel motions, you may feel better.
- Undergoing irregular bowel movements, including alternate bouts of diarrhoea and constipation, poor Agni (Digestion), and the movement of partially digested meals.
- Urge to move constantly just after eating.
- Discomfort in the lower abdomen
- Expansion or dilation
- Belly Bloating and Nausea
- A feeling of incomplete egress coupled with a need to move
- Dysphagia, chest discomfort, and heartburn.
- The Physical and Mental Symptoms of Grahani (IBS), such as fatigue, irritability, headache, anxiety, sadness, and even urologic dysfunction and gynecologic problems, are just a few more symptoms that can occur.
Effective Ayurvedic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
Ayurvedic treatment for IBS can help manage IBS symptoms such as bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, and abdominal pain, regardless of subtype (IBS-M, IBS-D, IBS-U, or IBS-C). Consult with an Ayurvedic practitioner for personalised treatment for IBS. Irritable bowel syndrome treatment with Ayurveda by calming disturbed internal energies, recovering the functioning of the Agni (digestive system), and removing built-up ama (toxins). Considering that stress is usually a major contributing factor to the disease, lifestyle modification and herbs that enhance the neurological and mental systems are effective therapeutic modalities. Here are several treatments that may be useful.
- Agnidīpana: The management of the Agni (Digestive Fire) is a part of this process. Ama (undigested toxins) are removed from the digestive tract to cure this. Digestive herbs and other strong ayurvedic substances can help decrease ama.
- Vātānulomana: Based on how much Vata is unbalanced, numerous health issues arise, such as chapped lips, dry skin, weakness, constipation, etc. Vātānulomana is a procedure that is used to balance and correct the Vata Dosha.
- Manonukulata: Grahani or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is frequently reported to worsen when a person goes through a stressful environment or is dealing with mental problems. Both relaxation and treatment of these underlying problems are part of this approach.
- Shodhan: A purification or cleansing procedure is called Shodhan. It includes transforming any dangerous substance into beneficial, neutral, nonpoisonous constituents.
- Shamana: Shamana revives the body by addressing imbalances and removing any leftover pollutants during cleansing. In Ayurveda, it is a natural procedure. Following the completion of the detoxification procedure, this treatment tries to revive and restore the body’s balance.
Ayurvedic Medicines with dietary changes followed by Panchakarma therapy.
Take a teaspoon of Ajwain along with warm water twice a day to get relief from abdominal pain.
Relatives of an individual with IBS are two to three times as likely to have IBS, with both genders being affected. The estimated genetic liability ranges between 1–20%, with heritability estimates ranging between 0–57%.
Some common IBS triggers include diet, stress, infection and medications. Many people with IBS notice that some foods make their symptoms worse, but these ‘trigger foods’ differ from one person to the next.
Eating small meals several times per day to reduce bloating. Trying probiotics, kefir, or aloe vera juice to promote healthy digestion. Drinking plenty of water to counteract IBS constipation or diarrhea
There is no such specification that Spicy food affects the symptoms of IBS. But if they create any problem or provoke the symptoms then one should avoid taking them.
Untreated IBS leads to long-term abdominal pain and can also lead to anxiety or depression. It may lead to pain and discomfort in the abdominal region.
IBS does not cause damage to the digestive system. There is a sure cure for IBS in Ayurveda. Timely treatment of symptoms of IBS can stop the disease from getting chronic.
IBS and IBD are both chronic conditions that cause abdominal pains, sometimes cramping, and urgent bowel movements. IBS affects the small and large intestines with the colon whereas IBD causes inflammation in the intestines. IBS can be genetic too.
Yes, IBS is completely curable through Ayurveda with the right medication and diet.