


Jaundice Ayurvedic Treatment

Jaundice is described as yellowing of the skin texture, the whiteness of the eyes, dark urine, followed by itchiness. The term JAUNDICE is derived from the French word “Jaune”, which means yellow. Jaundice may not be categorized as a disease, but it is a visible sign of an underlying disease process that can be serious and chronic. In Ayurveda jaundice is described as Pitta dosha and is called as Kamala. Due to accumulation of Pitta in the body (bilirubin) the body tends to becomes infected. The sole reason for the yellowish shade is the high level of bilirubin in the body. Hemoglobin, part of RBC’S which carries oxygen forms the bilirubin which is broken down as part of the normal process of recycling old and damaged red blood cells. Bilirubin is carried in the bloodstream to the liver, where its role is to bind with bile (the digestive juice produced by the liver). Then it is moved through the bile ducts into the digestive tract so that it can be eliminated from the body which is a must.

Most of the bilirubin is seen to be eliminated through stool, but a small amount is eliminated in urine. If it is not moved out of the body through the liver and bile duct then it gets built up in the blood and gets deposited on the skin resulting in jaundice. Jaundice has many causes i.e. it can be caused due to hepatitis, gallstones, and tumors. An inflamed liver or obstructed bile duct can lead to excessive bilirubin thus leading to the cause of jaundice. Jaundice if frequently occurs indicates a problem with the liver or bile duct. This disease is evaluated by the physical examination of the body.

Causes of Jaundice

Symptoms of Jaundice

Diarrhea and Nausea
These are the most common symptoms of jaundice. In diarrhea, there is watery bowel movement and in nausea, it is an urge to vomit.

Dark-shaded Pee
In jaundice, dark-colored urine is the most common symptom. It is caused due to less water intake required for the body.

Red-colored spots appear on the skin which is itchy and causes irritation.

Loss of Appetite
An individual does not feel like eating and due to lack of proper nutrition one comes on the stage of weight loss.

Fatigue and Weakness
Due to high fever in jaundice, an individual becomes quite weak and almost in a state of tiredness.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Treatment for Jaundice

  • Diet and lifestyle change play an important to recover from jaundice followed by Ayurvedic treatment. 
  • Jaundice is also caused due to a lack of Vitamin B12 in the body. So include dairy products like milk, and yogurt and also add mushrooms which are the rich sources of Vitamin B12. 
  • Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice has effective and safe results so that jaundice does not happen to appear again and again. Ayurvedic treatment has been successfully used to treat jaundice. 
  • Wheatgrass juice is a marvelous remedy for jaundice as it flushes out excess bilirubin and toxins from the body and also Buttermilk which is a rich source of calcium and iron required to recover from jaundice. 
  • Vitamin C is also suggested to be included in the diet as it cleanses the liver. Some of the rich sources of Vitamin C are Aloe vera, Guava, Kiwi, and Broccoli. 


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