PCOD/PCOS Ayurvedic Treatment
Get the Safe & Secure Treatment for PCOD/PCOS

What is PCOD/PCOS?
Polycystic Ovarian Disease is a common female endocrine disorder affecting approximately 30% of women as it is found in reproductive age that is 20- 35, and now a days it is a leading cause of female infertility. It is considered as a lifestyle changing disease because in today’s life people are busy in their work schedule and they do not have any time to take care of their diet and body. It affects women particularly ovaries, where egg is released hence affects ovulation. Follicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) are produced by pituitary gland where FSH stimulate ovaries to produce follicle and LH trigger ovaries to release mature egg. In Polycystic Ovarian Disease many fluid filled sacs grow inside the ovaries and cause cyst there. These cysts are follicles with immature egg. Eggs in PCOD never mature enough to trigger ovulation.
Even male hormone i.e. androgen get secreted excess in women with PCOD, which also disrupt menstrual cycle. PCOD affects females mentally and physically. These are some features which develop like cyst in ovaries, high levels of male hormone, irregular or skipped periods. PCOD Ayurvedic treatment is safe and effective.
Causes of PCOD/PCOS
There could be several factors responsible for contributing to these ovarian complications. However, some of the prime PCOD and PCOS causes are mentioned below:
Consuming a bunch of unhealthy foods such as junk, oily, fried, spicy, and rich in saturated fat, and artificial sugar is a prime cause for the occurrence of PCOD/PCOS. Even excessive dairy products and non-vegetarian food items may also result in these endocrine problems.
An excess of male hormones, especially androgen, and testosterone in the body, disturbs the smooth function of the female body and causes issues such as facial hair, acne, and irregular menstruation.
There are likely chances that this problem may flow from one generation to another, via heredity prepossession. However, such chances are very rare but not nil.
In the realm of Ayurvedic wisdom, there are 3 bodies governing doshas in the human body, namely- Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Any disparity among these Doshas tends to accumulate toxins inside the body and gives birth to several diseases including PCOD and PCOS.
Following an impassive and sluggish lifestyle can also result in ovarian problems. Being a couch potato and lacking body movement, contributes to obesity which eventually leads to PCOD/PCOS.
According to both ancient philosophers and modern science, a sound mind and body are a must for keeping health concerns at bay. Psychological discomforts such as stress, anxiety, and mental trauma may contribute to the development of these ovarian complications.

Symptoms of PCOD/PCOS
- Irregular Periods: Due to lack of ovulation it leads to fewer periods.
- Heavy Bleeding: Due to thick lining of endometrium development, women suffer from heavy periods.
- Hair Growth Over Face: Due to increase in male hormones women develops hair on face and back of chest.
- Infertility: Women with Polycystic Ovarian Disease suffer from infertility because ovulation (in which mature egg released from the ovary) doesn’t occur.
- Weight gain: More than 80 percent of PCOD patient are seen with obesity.
Ayurvedic Treatment for PCOD/PCOS
- PCOD in Ayurveda is considered as rasome do dhatuvikara and has to be managed that includes Amaharachikitsa, sodhana and samana therapies with vatakaphadravyas, diet and life style modifications.
- With Ayurvedic medicines, a patient is advised to manage diet and improve lifestyle with some therapies.
- Niruhavasti, anuvasnavasti is good for Polycystic Ovarian Disease also Nasya is done to balance kapha.
- Avoid indulging in stress or overthinking.
- Liquorice is a natural source of female hormones, should be given twice a day with milk.
In Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) ovaries contain many immature or partially mature eggs and in Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) ovarian produce high amount of androgen which leads to formation of more than 10 follicular cysts in ovary every month.
Yes if it is left untreated then it leads to many diseases like diabetes, infertility, high cholesterol which leads heart disease and obesity. It evens gets harder for a girl to conceive.
PCOD is caused by hormonal imbalance in the body and excessive weight.
Food items like white sugar, tea, coffee, white rice, muffins and cake. Avoid milk and soya products.
There is no single test to detect PCOD. There are some symptoms like irregular or heavy periods, facial hair, acne from which one gets to know about PCOD. Ayurvedic treatment for PCOD in Punjab is sure, safe and cost-effective.
Usually it is difficult as ovulation is irregular. With Ayurvedic treatment of Polycystic Ovarian Disease, a girl can definitely get pregnant.
Yes with PCOD a patient can have regular periods. Sometimes a patient has amenorrhoea and other times get heavy bleeding.
No, women should have regular periods, because if female do not have periods for continuous 3 months, then that condition is called as amenorrhoea.
If periods are not regular, a patient needs to be checked by an Ayurvedic expert with diet modification, exercise. A patient is advised to take Ayurvedic medicines to regulate periods.
Milk is rich source of Calcium and protein but in PCOD daily intake of milk products is indicated to reduce intake of carbohydrates in diet.